Thursday, January 17, 2008


I was supposed to get a call by 10:00 a.m. this morning. Of course at 10:05 I was on the phone to the clinic, trying to find an answer. I have left messages with several people there, but so far, nothing. It's almost 11:00. I am so frustrated and wacked out right now, I am finding it hard to concentrate on anything else. Also, I don't know if it was the HCG shot, or just not sleeping well last night, but I feel sooooo exhausted and foggy that I am just a bumbling mess right now.

Even if this IUI is canceled, I would just like to know so that I can go on with my day, and maybe even get something productive done today. Like grocery shopping or any of the myriad things I need to do for work. Anything. Right now I'm just useless.


Tracy said...

I'm sorry you haven't heard anything yet...well maybe you have by now. Anyway, I'm praying all goes well for you.

Kami said...

Sorry about the disappointing news re the one follicle. I hope you got your phone call.