Won't you come with me, on my journey into the weird Wonderland that is Infertility?
Things went well this morning. Neither Mr. nor I slept very well last night, and when our alarms went off this morning at 6:00 a.m. we weren't the happiest of campers. We had decided to drive into the City together, along with Baby Boy, to beat the commute traffic (3 people=carpool!). And, since his appointment was at 8:30 and mine was at 10:30 it worked well. I waited downstairs with BB while Mister did his "duty" then I dropped Mister and BB off at Mister's office across town, and headed back solo for my fun in the stirrups.
Yes, my husband is the cool guy who's willing to take his baby in to work for a couple of hours when necessity dictates. He works in an office full of young guys, too, so it is pretty darn cute. But, I digress.
I talked to Dr. F. about the stats and it looks something like this:
IUI #1 (with Clo.mid)
3 follicles
IUI#2 (with Let.razole)
1 follicle
So, I guess I'll be going back to Clo.mid next time (if I don't get pregnant, of course!)
He said that a lining of 6 may just be what my body will do--and we just have to work with that. (And 6 is not bad--it could be better, but it's not bad.)
He made sure to tell me that they get lots of pregnancies with one follicle. So, we went ahead with the IUI (of course).
Mister's numbers looked good post-wash, as they did last time.
Then, I asked him if he would go over my day 3 blood work that I did back in October. I felt that I was ready to hear whatever it was. But I wanted to hear it from him. He asked the nurse to bring it up on the screen.
I heard her say, "FSH...sixpointnine."
Me: Did you say 16?
Nurse: No, 6.9.
To which Dr. F. said, "That's well within the normal range."
Yeah, no shit!!!!!!
I would have been okay with 16. I was just hoping for a number that wasn't higher than the original test (17.3). I felt that if it stayed about the same I'd be happy with stasis.
Everything else was good: Estrogen, Thyroid, Progesterone. (I didn't care about the actual numbers--they said they were 'good' and that was good enough for me.) I was still reeling from the Six. Point. Nine!!
Okay, sorry. I know that FSH fluctuates. I know I could come in high again, but. I think that the test I took back in July of 06, after a miscarriage, after 2 more rounds of Clo.mid, and during a time of high emotional stress, may not have been a true reflection of what is going on with my ovaries.
And, the test I took in October of 07, with no recent fertility drugs still floating through my system, with yours truly in a much better place physically and emotionally, might be more accurate.
And now, the mind is reeling. So why can't I get pregnant?
And WOW. Think of all the choices that were set in motion based on that "Premature Ovarian Failure" diagnosis... They brought us to adoption, and brought us our Baby Boy.
Thank God. I can't imagine my life without him.
Curiouser and curiouser....
Funny how life twists and turns, isn't it?
Love the picture, BTW.
Okay, so now you're officially in the 2WW with me, right?
Congrats on the FSH number...that is HUGE. Well, not huge, but I guess that's the good news, right?
This comment is all over the place.
Hey Tracy-
Yeah, we're in it together!
Though, if I were a gambling woman, I'd place my bet on YOU for two lines in two weeks.;0)
Good luck!
YAY for the 2WW!
It's so crazy what life throws at us. We never realize how good things can really be! You were meant to get your little boy.
Good luck with the 2ww! Here's to hoping you never have to see clomid or any fertility drugs ever again.
Glad to hear that the IUI went well.
That's also fantastic news about your most recent FSH results - you must be over the moon! I hope it's a good omen, and that you get some more good news in a couple of weeks.
That is a great FSH :-) GOOD luck this cycle!! I am pulling for you!!
So great about your FSH! A nurse once told me during an IUI that they try to get all scientific on us with their predictions, but secretly she believes that whether or not someone gets pregnant is more voodoo than science. Which is just my roundabout way of wishing you good luck.
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