Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Going For It

We've decided to move forward with another IUI this month. I started the meds today. Should be doing an IUI in about 10-11 days.

I wanted to get one last attempt in before I turn (gulp) Three. Six. in February.

We shall see...


Tracy said...

Okey dokey...best of luck this cycle!

And don't be scared. 36 wasn't that bad.

Kami said...

Good luck!

Meghan said...

Good luck this cycle!!

Tiff said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!

Maria said...

YAY IUI!! Good luck with this cycle. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks for your comment.

CC said...

Found your blog on cycle sista. We're doing IUI #3 with Letrazole this month too. I'll be thinking about you.