Hi, I'm Frenchie. I have two kids that keep me on my toes. I have made a transition from working mom to stay at home mom, and being on both sides of the equation, I've decided that being at home is pretty great. My son has Special Needs and it keeps life interesting. I tend to blog with a brain-dump style so it's not always pretty. Did I mention I also have ADD? Oh look, something shiny.
October 2004 Bought and moved in to our first house.
March 2005 Went to the OB to see what's up?
March 2005-Janurary 2006 Tests, tests, and more tests. Didn't reveal much. Frenchie was OK by all accounts. Possible slight male factor.
February 2006 Started Clomid.
February 2006 Pregnant!
April 1, 2006 Found out pregnancy was not "viable". (Happy April Fool's Day to you too!)
April 12, 2006 D&C Surgery to remove said pregnancy.
June 2006 Started trying again, with Clomid
August 2006 Went to see Fertility Specialist. Bad News. High FSH=Bad eggs. Chances very low, even with IVF. Donor eggs=best bet.
September 2006 Signed up with adoption agency.
September 2006-January 2007 Paperwork, more paperwork, FBI fingerprints, Home study, and more...
February 2007 All paperwork and homestudy finally completed, adoption "profile" goes live on adoption agency's website.
February 2007 "Picked" by Birthmother (Yes, that was unbelievably fast!)
March 20, 2007 World's Cutest Baby is born. Frenchie and Mister become parents
August 2007 Meeting with new RE--renewed hope.
November-December 2007 IUI #1--Negative
January 2008 IUI #2--Negative
February 2008-February 2009 Decide to take a huge break due to finances. Decide to try to save up for IVF. Just try to enjoy being a family of 3 for the moment.
Feb.- March 2009
New Gyno (Dr. Wunnerful) finds thyroid problem during routine exam. Start Synthroid.
Dr. Wunnerful also performs lap and hysteroscopy. Mild endo removed, some attached to one of my tubes, and cyst removed from ovary.
May 2009
Revisit RE. Decide to move forward with 3-4 IUI's with injectables. (Get speech about DE always being a good option.)
June/July 2009
Getting ready for IUIs--waiting for insurance approval to do a repeat HSG
August 13, 2009
August 20, 2009
Ultrasound reveals one sac and yolk sac, measuring well, with strong betas to back it up: I. am. pregnant.
September 17, 2009
9w0d: Measuring 4 days ahead with a strong heartbeat of 180!
April 10, 2010
My "Amazing" Grace is born. My dreams have come true. I now have two beautiful children--both meant to be mine. Who would have ever guessed how this journey would ultimately wind up?
November 24, 2010
Went to the ER with abdominal pain--shocked to find out I was pregnant again, but ectopic. Surgery to remove pregnancy and right tube.
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