So I was waiting in line at Who.
le Foo.
ds yesterday, and perusing the magazines at the check stand. My eye settled on an issue of The
onomist which had an image of a baby falling through the sky. The headline read:
Falling Fertility. The sub-line read:
How the Population Problem Is Taking Care of Itself.
I clutched my stomach and suppressed an outburst. All I could think was, "How dare they! How insensitive! How cruel!" I felt somehow personally attacked.
What if the headline had read, "Increase in Cancer--How the Population Problem is Taking Care of Itself"? What would happen then?
Sure, maybe I'm overreacting. Infertility won't kill you. But it sure as hell can destroy your life: Wreck your marriage, damage your friendships, kill your bank account, blast your self-esteem. Make you question your faith, relationships, your entire existence. Not to mention wreak havoc on your body should you choose to pursue fertility treatment. Those struggling with Infertility almost assuredly also struggle with depression, stress, anxiety. Just like cancer, or any other major illness--Infertility is a life-altering experience.
It's not funny. Cute floating baby or no.
I'm just sayin'.
What do you think?