Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the RE

So a few months ago, I went back to the RE. Did I tell you this already? I was going to, I swear. I just got busy.

I brought him all my new info from the surgery and latest labs. We had a good talk. I explained what our new (miniscule) fertility coverage was, and asked, "What should we do?" He thought we could (with the money we had with our coverage) do either: One IVF (and we still have to pay out of pocket for some of it) or 3-4 IUI's but this time with injectables. Hmmm. I waffled back and forth. Would IUI's be a waste of time? Should we put all our eggs (no pun intended) in one basket and go for it with the IVF? In the end, Mister and I decided to go with his advice and do the 3 or so IUI's. We did our bloodwork. Filled out paperwork, etc.. I was getting geared up to go and then.... the RE decided he wanted me to repeat the HSG. Yes, my gyno (Doctor Wonderful) did an HSG back when I had my lap, but there was some question as to whether the left tube was actually clear or not.

So then I got stuck in the mire of trying to get the insurance company to cover the HSG under 'diagnostic' and not take it out of our paltry IF coverage.

Anyway, I was going to do it last month, but the insurance pre-approval hadn't come through yet. So it got canceled.

So this month, take two. Pre-approval came through, but it was going to come out of our IF coverage. Grrrrrrrr.

I swear I was going to update on all of this when I actually had something interesting to tell you and something was actually happening.

I was waiting for my period to come last week so I could schedule the dreaded HSG.

Only it didn't come. And didn't come.

Oh shit. Menopause. Really? Just as we were finally going to start treatment. Tears were shed.

Until I discovered I was pregnant.


4w6d today. Ultrasound yesterday revealed a gestational sac and yolk sac measuring 4w3d. Awaiting beta results. I am constantly poking my boobs to make sure they are still sore and doing the TP check every time I go to the bathroom. Obviously, we have a way to go, and we have only told very close family.

Those of you who know me on Facebook or Twitter please don't mention anything about this because we are not ready to tell everyone.

Preggo symptoms come and go and I am very nervous.


Heather said...

Congratulations! Best wishes for a smooth and healthy pregnancy. :)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

OMFreakingG! So excited for you!

(The people in my house are wondering why I've gone crazy. I won't tell :-)

Lori Lavender Luz said...

OMFreakingG! So excited for you!

(The people in my house are wondering why I've gone crazy. I won't tell :-)

Just me said...

Frenchie!!!! That's awesome! You've become one of the legends now. LOL

If all goes well for both of us, we may be going through this journey together. Fingers crossed!

Meghan said...

wow! Congrats (whispered cautiously)! Hope those beta numbers come back nice and high!!

luna said...

wow, frenchie, a regular (sub)urban legend! very exciting!. here's hoping everything keeps moving forward beautifully.

Tracy said...

OH MY GAAAAAWD!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so freakin' exciting (tempered by cautious optimism...)

I cannot wait to hear continued news from you. And please don't keep us waiting.

I also cannot think of a better person for this to happen to.

Anonymous said...

I know I don't comment often, but since I almost fell out of my chair just now, I think I'd better de-lurk! Congratulations, how amazing!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

s.e. said...

Wow. How beautiful.

So some girls really do adopt and then turn fertile ;)

Congratulations! You deserve this.

Joy said...

What a fabulous surprise. wishing you more and more fabulous news for the entire 9 months!

Alexicographer said...

Here from LFCA. Congratulations!!! Barren Mare's "I am my own urban legend" post is one of my favorite blog posts ever ... and now yours, too. Hope to see more great news shortly!

areyoukiddingme said...

Awesome! Congratulations and lots of luck!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Jem said...


Tiff said...

OMG..I don't check in for a little bit and HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow. I don't even know how what to say. I read your next post too, and I think your beta #'s sound very promising! I will be keeping my fingers crossed and checking in every 5 seconds now for an update. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! Congrats, Jen!

singletracey said...

OK.. I am totally just catching up on you GIRL! CONGRATS!!!!